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T Series Connector, RTD/Thermistor
... See Connectors
Table, Bourdon Tube Media Compatibility
N-26 (F), G-28 (P)
Tachometer, Non-Contact RPM J-24 (P)
Tank Level Mounting System, Vertical In-Tank
Track K-85 (F)
Tank System,Chemical Metering Pump
H-17 (E), 108 (G)
Tank Weighing Assemblies
Accessories, Load Cell F-24 (P)
Heavy Duty F-24, F-25 (P)
Tannin/Lignin Test Kit G-32 (E), 149 (G)
Tantalum Sheath Thermocouple Probe
A-35 (T)
Tape, Heating
... See Heating Tape
Fiberglass High Temperature
M-13 (E), M-12 (H)
Samox Cloth Ultra-High Temperature
M-14 (E), M-13 (H)
Silicone Rubber Medium Temperature
M-12 (E), M-11 (H)
Tape, Teflon C-48 (P), G-53 (T)
Tapered Thermowell
B-13, B-14, B-15, B-17 (T)
TDS/Conductivity/Dissolved Oxygen/
Temperature/pH ... See Analyzers
Technical Article
3-Wire Bridge Measurement Errors
Z-27 (T)
A Simple Terminal Emulator Program
Z-15 (D),(U)
Application Formulas for Industrial
Strain Measurement Z-40 (P)
Applications for Conductivity Z-23 (E)
Communication Based Data Acquisition
Systems Z-12 (D),(U)
Conductivity and Resistivity Z-22 (E)
Controller Operation Z-87 (T)
Current Major Programming Languages
Z-19 (D)
Data Acquisition Software Z-10 (D),(U)
Decalibration Z-21 (T)
Differential Pressure Meters Z-9 (F)
Dissolved Oxygen - The Fundamentals
Z-24 (E)
Electric Heaters: General Applications, Field
Service, Maintenance Recommendations Z-55 (H)
Electric Heating; Energy Utilization,
Conversion, & Resource Conservation
Z-63 (H)
Electromagnetic Meters Z-13 (F)
Electronic Basics Z-6 (D),(U)
Empirical Laws of Thermocouples
Z-29 (T)
Equilibrium Relative Humidity Z-76 (T)
Fiber Optics - A New Approach to Monitor
and Control Z-60 (T)
Flowmeter Types Z-8 (F)
Fluid Fundamentals Z-20 (F)
Frictional Losses in a Pumping System
Z-21 (F)
Fuzzy Logic Z-153 (T)
Galvanic Action Z-22 (T)
Guidelines for Realizing the ITS-90
Z-114 (T)
Handheld Infrared Thermometers for all
Applications Z-64 (T)
Heat Wave - A National Problem Z-74 (T)
Heater Application Guide Z-11 (H)
Heaters Z-69 (H)
How To Interpret the Specifications
Z-27 (P)
Hydraulic Fundamentals Z-20 (F)
IBM Compatible Computer Memory Map
& Bus Z-16 (D),(U)
Infrared Temperature Measurement
Theory and Application Z-53 (T)
Infrared Thermocouple Selection Guide
Z-66 (T)
Installing Intrinsically Safe Systems
Z-110 (T)
International Standards Z-158 (T)
Intrinsic Safety Z-31 (P), Z-92, Z-110 (T)
Intrinsic Safety Circuit Design Z-95 (T)
Intrinsically Safe Outputs Made Easy
Z-107 (T)
Introduction to Data Acquisition Systems
Z-3 (D),(U)
Introduction to Heaters Z-9 (H)
Introduction to pH Z-3 (E)
Ion Selective Electrodes: Measurement
Considerations Z-21 (E)
ITS-90 Z-114, Z-142 (T)
Let Light Measure the Concentration:
Operating Principles for Handheld
Refractometers Z-35 (E)
Linear Thermistors Z-29 (T)
Liquid Flowmeters Z-8 (F)
Low Noise Thermocouple System
Z-80 (T)
Making Digital Inputs Intrinsically Safe
Z-105 (T)
Mass Flowmeters Z-14 (F)
Measurement of pH Z-5 (E)
Metal File RTD's Z-25 (T)
Microcomputer Based IR Temperature
Transducers Z-71 (T)
Mounting and Installing Load Cells
Z-38 (P)
NEMA Enclosures Z-30 (F)
Nicrosil/Nisil Type N Thermocouple
Z-33 (T)
No Time Out for this Programmable
Timer/Controller Z-156 (T)
Noise Rejection in Thermocouple
Measurements Z-19 (T)
Non-contact Temperature Measurement
Theory and Application Z-57 (T)
Non-electronic Temperature Gauges
Z-165 (T)
Omega Interchangeable Thermistor
Applications Z-45 (T)
Omega's Sensors in Position Feedback
Z-79 (P)
Open Channel Meters Z-15 (F)
Overview of IEEE-488 Z-21 (D), Z-19 (U)
pH Control: A Magical Mystery Tour
Z-13 (E)
pH Measurement Tips Z-12 (E)
pH Measurement: Electrode Basics
Z-9 (E)
Poor Junction Connections Z-21 (T)
Positive Displacement Meters Z-11 (F)
Practical Guidelines for Temperature
Measurement Z-150 (T)
Practical Precautions in RTD Measurements
Z-28 (T)
Practical Temperature Measurements
Z-11 (T)
Pressure Measurement Z-9 (P)
Pressure Transducers Z-12 (P)
Pressure Transducers Installation and Use
Z-33 (P)
Pressure Transducers, Application
Considerations Z-16 (P)
Principles of Infrared Thermocouples
Z-66 (T)
Principles of Infrared Thermometry
Z-49 (T)
Process Radiant Infrared Data Z-73 (H)
Radiant Heater Panels Improve
Thermoforming Z-82 (H)
Radiant Process Heaters Z-72 (H)
Relationship of Pressure to Elevation
Z-21 (F)
Resistance Elements and RTD's Z-46 (T)
Resistance Measurement Z-26 (T)
Resistance to Temperature Conversion
Z-28 (T)
Reynolds Numbers Z-8 (F)
Selecting a Flowmeter Z-15 (F)
Selecting a Recorder Z-27 (D)
Shunt Impedance Z-21 (T)
Silicone Rubber Heaters: Offer Imaginative
Solutions to Design Problems Z-78 (H)
Software Viruses Z-9 (D),(U)
Solid Stare Relays - Defined and Described
Z-88 (T)
Temperature Compensation: pH
Measurement Error Z-11 (E)
Temperature Controllers - Selection
Considerations Z-82 (T)
Temperature Measurement System
Calibration Z-221 (T)
Temperature Sensitive Paints and Crayons
Z-165 (T)
Testing Solder Equipment Z-113 (T)
The "Noise is Off" with this Thermocouple
System Z-80 (T)
The ABC's of Programming on the PC
Z-18 (D),(U)
The Choice of Sheathing for Mineral
Insulated Thermocouples Z-37 (T)
The Development of the Electronic
Halogen Leak Detector Z-34 (E)
The International Temperature Scale of 1990
Z-142 (T)
The LD100, Fast Linear Displacement
Transducer Z-76 (P)
The Linear Variable Displacement
Transducer Z-84 (P)
The RS-232 Standard Z-8 (D),(U)
The RTD - History Z-25 (T)
The Thermistor Z-28 (T)
Thermal Shunting Z-22 (T)
Thermal-type Mass Flowmeters Z-15 (F)
Thermistor Measurement - Advantages/
Disadvantages Z-29 (T)
Thermocouple Characteristics Z-30 (T)
Thermocouple Hardware Compensation
Z-16 (T)
Thermocouple Measurement Diagnostics
Z-23 (T)
Thermocouple Reference Circuit Z-15 (T)
Thermocouple Reference Junction
Z-14 (T)
Thermocouple Types Z-53 (H)
Thermocouple Voltage to Temperature
Conversion Z-17 (T)
Thermocouple Wire Calibration Z-22 (T)
Tuning a PID Controller Z-84 (T)
Turbidity Measurement Z-30 (E)
Two-Wire Transmitters for Temperature
Applications Z-78 (T)
Understanding Chemical Feed Pumps
Z-27 (E), Z-43 (F)
Use the 80/20 Rule in Intrinsic Safety
Circuit Design Z-101 (T)
Velocity Meters Z-12 (F)
Viscosity Z-20 (F)
Watterhammer, A Complex Phenomenon
Z-36 (P)
Working With Flowmeters Z-17 (F)
Technical Reference
Material, Dynamic Measurement K-31 (P)
Technical Reference Books ... See Books
Technical Reference Guide for Heating
Cables B-3 (H)
Tee Fitting ... See Fittings
Body Diaphragm Seal N-27 (F), G-17 (P)
Coated Elements for Static Mixer
H-110 (E), L-60 (F)
Coated Overbraided Extension Grade Wire
H-27 (T)
Coated RTD Probes C-11 (T)
Coated Static Mixer Element
H-110 (E), L-60 (F)
Coated Thermocouple Probes
127 (G), A-33 (T)
Coated Thermowell B-10 (T)
Diaphragm Seal N-27 (F), G-29 (P)
FEP Tubing ... See Tubing
Fluorocarbon Resin Information H-89 (E)
Glass Insulated Heater Hook-Up Wire
S-6 (H), H-48 (T)
Heater ... See Heater, Immersion
Immersion Probe
... See Accessories, Hot Plate
Insulated Cable, Extension Grade
H-39 (T)
Insulating Tubing A-87 (T)
PFA Tubing ... See Tubing
PTFE Tubing ... See Tubing
Rotameter ... See Rotameters
Sleeving A-87, H-18 (T)
Tape C-48 (P), G-53 (T)
... See Accessories, Compression Fitting
Thermowell Solid B-10 (T)
Tubing Insulation H-18 (T)
Tubing, FEP ... See Tubing
Tubing, PFA ... See Tubing
Tubing, TFE ... See Tubing
Valve ... See Valves
Teflon Insulated Wire
... See Wire
Fine Diameter Gold Atomic Iron H-22 (T)
Fine Diameter Type J/K/T/E H-17 (T)
Fine Gage C-46, E-28 (P), H-17 (T)
Heater Hook-up S-7 (H), H-50 (T)
Thermocouple H-19...H-32 (T)
Teflon/Glass Insulated Wire ... See Wire
Teflon Tape C-48 (P)
Calibration Kit ... See Kits
Calibrator ... See Calibrators
Controller ... See Controllers
Controller, Comfort Heater
... See Controllers
Data Acquisition System
C-9 (D), D-125 (P), C-21 (U)
Data Acquisition System, High Speed
C-5 (D), 22 (G), C-13 (U)
Data Acquisition System, High Speed
Isolated C-9 (D), 22 (G), C-17 (U)
Datalogger ... See Dataloggers
Data Logger, Panel Mount, 32 Channel
... See Dataloggers
Differential Meter Handheld
... See Handhelds
Indicating Label ... See Labels
Indicating Lacquer F-5 (T)
Indicator, Fiber Optic J-87 (T)
Indicator, Infrared J-87 (T)
Infrared Probe ... See Infrareds
Infrared to Analog Converter
... See Infrareds
Labels ... See Labels
Level Controller, On/Off NEMA 4X
K-123 (F)
Meter, Solar Powered ... See Meters
Monitoring System, Portable C-49 (U)
Multimeter Differential K-19 (P)
Power Control Panel P-150 (H),(T)
Probes ... See Thermocouples
Recorder ... See Recorders
Recorder/Controller ... See Recorders
Sensitive Labels ... See Labels
Sensor, Glass Thermometer
... See Glass Thermometers
Sensor, Infrared Fiber Optic Transmitter
J-78...J-82 (T)
Sensors ... See Sensors
Switch ... See Switches
Test Kit ... See Test Kits
Test Plug C-52 (P), A-52 (T)
Transmitter ... See Transmitters
Temperature & Humidity Controller
... See Controllers
Temperature Compensation
Strain Gage Resistance Wire E-22 (P)
Strain Gage Span Resistor E-21 (P)
Temperature Measurement
Book, Process Engineering
Y-12 (F), Y-7 (H), Y-10 (P)
Temperature Measurement in Engineering
Vol. 1
Book, OP Series Y-7...Y-9 (F), Y-4 (T)
Temperature Measurement in Engineering
Vol. 2,
Book, OP Series Y-7...Y-9 (F), Y-4 (T)
Temperature Measurement in Industry
Book, Process Engineering
Y-12 (F), Y-7 (H), Y-10 (P)
Temperature Measurement Thermocouples,
Book, Process Engineering
Y-8 (H),(T), Y-7 (P)

Circular Recorder ... See Recorders
Controller ... See Controllers
Datalogger ... See Dataloggers
Handheld ... See Handhelds
Indicator ... See Meters
Multi-loop Controller ... See Controllers
Recorder ... See Recorders
Recorder, Circular ... See Recorders
Transmitter ... See Transmitters
Dissolved Oxygen ... See Analyzers
Temperature/Pressure Information Chart
F-64 (F)
Temperature/Process Controller
... See Controllers
Tension Load Bolt ... See Load Cells
Tension/Compression Load Cell
... See Load Cells
Terminal Block
Connector, Color Coded G-35 (T)
Industrial Head B-8, G-35 (T)
Probe, RTD C-7 (T)
Probe, Thermocouple A-51 (T)
Terminal Cover
... See Heater, Strip Accessories
Terminal Lug
Barrier Strip G-50 (T)
Crimp Tool G-50 (T)
Terminal Pads, Strain Gage Accessory
E-25 (P)
Terminal Panel Plug-in Board
... See Computer Boards
Terminal Strip, Electrical Housing K-57 (F)
Terminal, Programming
Smart Signal Conditioner R-6 (H), N-8 (T)
Smart Transmitter
C-55 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
R-6 (H), N-5, N-9 (T), C-75 (U)
Termination Kit
... See Accessories, Constant Wattage
Heating Cable
Test Gauge
... See Pressure Gauges
1/4% Accuracy Pressure Standard
D-80 (P)
4-1/2" Dial N-22 (F), G-22 (P)
6" Dial N-22 (F), G-22 (P)
Test Kit, Hydroponic
Combination J-10 (E)
Laboratory J-9 (E)
Test Kit, Soil
Aluminum J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Ammonia Nitrogen J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Calcium J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Calcium & Magnesium Individual J-6 (E)
Chloride J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Copper J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Copper Individual J-6 (E)
Ferric Iron J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Humus (Organic Matter)
J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Humus Individual J-6 (E)
Iron Individual J-6 (E)
Magnesium J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Manganese J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Nitrate Nitrogen J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Nitrite Nitrogen J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Nitrogen Individual J-7 (E)
Organic Matter Individual J-7 (E)
pH J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
pH Individual J-7 (E)
Phosphorus J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Phosphorus Individual J-8 (E)
Potassium J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Potassium Individual J-8 (E)
Reagent Refill
J-3, J-4, J-6...J-8 (E), 119, 120, 121 (G)
Sulfur J-3, J-4 (E), 119 (G)
Sulfur Individual J-8 (E)
Temperature 121 (G)
Texture 121 (G)
Texture Individual J-8 (E)
Test Kit, Soil Lab J-3, J-4 (E)
Test Kit, Turf Lab
Calcium J-5 (E)
Field Unit J-5 (E)
Iron J-5 (E)
Magnesium J-5 (E)
Nitrogen J-5 (E)
pH J-5 (E)
Phosphorus J-5 (E)
Potassium J-5 (E)
Reagent Refill J-5 (E)
Temperature J-5 (E)
Texture J-5 (E)
Test Kit, Water
Acidity G-22 (E), 139 (G)
Algae G-22 (E), 139 (G)
Alkalinity G-22 (E), 139 (G)
Aluminum G-22 (E), 139 (G)
Amonia Nitrogen G-22 (E), 139 (G)
Aquaculture, Freshwater G-33 (E)
Aquaculture, Salt Water G-33 (E)
Bleach G-23 (E), 140 (G)
Bromine G-23 (E), 140 (G)
Calcium G-23 (E), 140 (G)
Carbon Dioxide G-23 (E), 140 (G)
Caustic G-23 (E), 140 (G)
Chelant G-23 (E), 140 (G)
Chloride G-23 (E), 140 (G)
Chlorine G-24 (E), 141 (G)
Chlorine Bleach G-25 (E), 142 (G)
Chlorine Dioxide G-25 (E), 142 (G)
Chromate G-25 (E), 142 (G)
Chromium G-25 (E), 142 (G)
Coliform G-25 (E), 142 (G)
Color G-25 (E), 142 (G)
Copper G-26 (E), 143 (G)
Detergents G-26 (E), 143 (G)
Filming Amine G-26 (E), 143 (G)
Fluoride G-26 (E), 143 (G)
Formaldehyde G-26 (E), 143 (G)
Gluteraldehyde G-26 (E), 143 (G)
Hardness G-26 (E), 143 (G)
Hydrazine G-27 (E), 144 (G)
Hydrogen Peroxide G-27 (E), 144 (G)
Industrial, Combination G-36, G-38 (E)
Iodine G-27 (E), 144 (G)
Iron G-27 (E), 144 (G)
Lead G-28 (E), 145 (G)
Manganese G-28 (E), 145 (G)
G-28 (E), 145 (G)
Morpholine G-28 (E), 145 (G)
Nickel G-28 (E), 145 (G)
Nitrate Nitrogen G-28 (E), 145 (G)
Nitrite Nitrogen G-29 (E), 146 (G)
Nitrite Sodium G-29 (E), 146 (G)
Oxygen Dissolved G-29 (E), 146 (G)
Ozone G-29 (E), 146 (G)
Peracetic Acid/Hydrogen Peroxide
G-29 (E), 146 (G)
Phenols G-30 (E), 147 (G)
Phosphate G-30 (E), 147 (G)
Phosphate (Total) G-30 (E), 147 (G)
Phosphonate G-30 (E), 147 (G)
Polyphosphates G-31 (E), 148 (G)
Polyquat G-31 (E), 148 (G)
Potassium G-31 (E), 148 (G)
QAC G-31 (E), 148 (G)
Salinity G-31 (E), 148 (G)
SDMBT G-31 (E), 148 (G)
Silica G-31 (E), 148 (G)
Sodium G-31 (E), 148 (G)
Sodium Nitrite G-31 (E), 148 (G)
Sulfate G-31 (E), 148 (G)
Sulfide G-32 (E), 149 (G)
Sulfite G-32 (E), 149 (G)
Tannin/Lignin G-32 (E), 149 (G)
Total Dissolved Solids G-32 (E), 149 (G)
Turbidity G-32 (E), 149 (G)
Zinc G-32 (E), 149 (G)
Test Lead Holder ... See Accessories, DMM
Test Leads for Multimeter
J-25 (D),(U), R-29 (H), K-99 (T)
Test Plug
Pressure C-52 (P), A-52 (T)
Temperature C-52 (P), A-52 (T)
Test Pressure Gauge
... See Pressure Gauges
4-1/2" Dial N-22 (F), G-22 (P)
6" Dial N-22 (F), G-22 (P)
Custom Ranges Dial N-25 (F), G-25 (P)
High Accuracy, Dial N-22 (F), G-22 (P)
Test Tube Electrode ... See Electrodes
Test Valve Kit, Pressure and Flow B-65 (F)
Conductivity Economical
E-4 (E), 6, 12, 134 (G)
Insulation Q-11, R-4 (H), Q-11 (T)
pH Handheld Economical
B-4 (E), 54 (G)
... See Handhelds
Proximity, Handheld J-30 (P)
Solder, High Accuracy K-9 (D), K-5 (T)
Solder, Replacement Sensor
K-10 (D), K-6 (T)
Texture Test Kit ... See Test Kits
TFE Tubing ... See Tubing
The ABC's of DBASE IV, Technical Book
Y-5 (D),(U)
The ABC's of Wordperfect 6 for Windows
Technical Book Y-9 (D),(U)
The Best of Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar
Book, Electrical Engineering Y-5 (F)
The Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance
Technical Book Y-6 (D),(U)
The Environmental Dictionary and Regulatory
Book, Environmental Engineering 160 (G)
The ESE Precipitation Databook, Book
Environmental Engineering 168 (G)
The Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications
Book, Electrical Engineering Y-5 (F)
The Mechanics of Solder Alloy Interconnects
Book, Electrical Engineering Y-5 (F)
The Nalco Water Handbook Encyclopedia of
Environmental Control Technology
Y-5 (E), 171 (G)
The PC User's Essential Accessible Pocket
Technical Book Y-4 (D),(U)
The Theory and Properties of Thermocouple
Book, OP Series Y-7...Y-9 (F), Y-4 (T)
The TSCA Compliance Handbook
Book, Environmental Engineering 160 (G)
The UNIX Operating System
Technical Book Y-8 (D),(U)
The VMS User's Guide
Technical Book Y-8 (D),(U)
The Water Encyclopedia
Book, Environmental Engineering
Y-4 (E), 171 (G)
Theory of Ground Vehicles
Book, Mechanical Engineering Y-6 (P)
Thermal Anemometer, Handheld Air Velocity
C-4, C-11 (F), 2 (G)
Thermal Dispersion
Sensor, Level Switch K-42 (F)
Switch, Gas Flow B-66, B-68, B-70 (F)
Switch, Low Flow B-66, B-68, B-69 (F)
Thermal Wire Stripper H-43 (T)
Thermally Conductive Silicone Paste
F-17 (T)
Alarm Monitor Scanning, 400 Series
Scanning M-54 (T)
Connector ... See Connectors
Datalogger ... See Dataloggers
Element, 400 Series D-3 (T)
Element, 700 Series D-10 (T)
Element, Nonlinear D-4 (T)
Element, Precision
D-3, D-4, D-11, D-12 (T)
Extension Wire ... See Wire
Handheld Thermometer
123 (G), L-11, L-19, L-21, L-23 (T)
Handle, Quick Disconnect A-79 (T)
Information D-3 (T)
Input Board for IBM and Compatibles
... See Computer Boards
Interchangeable D-5 (T)
Meter Economical ... See Meters
Plug-in Board ... See Computer Boards
Resistance Tables ... See Reference Tables
Scanner, 7 Channel ... See Scanners
Switch, Rotary Selector ... See Switches
to RS-232 Transmitter ... See Transmitters
to RS-485 Transmitter ... See Transmitters
Transmitter, Digital ... See Transmitters
Thermistor, 400 Series
1/4 DIN ... See Controllers
Controller ... See Controllers
Alarm Monitor Scanning, Scanning
M-54 (T)
Autotune Controller 102 (G), P-28 (H),(T)
Benchtop M-9, M-34 (T)
Meter, 1/8 DIN M-9, M-21, M-26 (T)
Multi-loop Controller
102 (G), P-28 (H),(T)
Profile Controller 102 (G), P-28 (H),(T)
Ramp and Soak Controller
102 (G), P-28 (T)
Transmitter, Digital
C-41 (D), R-31 (T), C-63 (U)
Thermistor, 400 Series Probe
D-3, D-6 (T)
Air Probe N-5 (E), D-6 (T), 124 (G)
Air Probe, Quick Disconnect D-5 (T)
Banjo Style D-6 (T), 124 (G)
General Purpose N-5 (E), D-5, D-6 (T)
Laboratory Style 124 (G), D-6 (T)
Penetration D-5 (T)
Precision 124 (G), D-6 (T)
Quick Disconnect D-5 (T)
Quick Disconnect Air Style D-5 (T)
Quick Disconnect General Purpose
D-5 (T)
Quick Disconnect Penetration D-5 (T)
Small Flexible N-5 (E), 124 (G) D-6 (T)
Surface D-7 (T)
Tubular N-5 (E), D-6 (T)
Tubular SS 124 (G), D-6 (T)
Tubular-Glass N-5 (E), D-6 (T)
Tubular-Glass Encased 124 (G), D-6 (T)
Tubular with Fitting
N-5 (E), 124 (G), D-6 (T)
Vinyl Tipped General Purpose
124 (G), D-6 (T)
Thermistor, 700 Series Meter
1/8 DIN M-9, M-21 (T)
Benchtop M-9, M-34 (T)
Thermistor, 700 Series Probe
D-7, D-10, D-14 (T)
Air Probe, D-14 (T)
Air Probe, Quick Disconnect D-13 (T)
Banjo Style D-14 (T)
Epoxy Tipped General Purpose D-14 (T)
General Purpose D-14 (T)
Laboratory Style D-13, D-14 (T)
Linear Response D-13, D-14 (T)
Penetration D-13 (T)
Quick Disconnect D-13 (T)
Quick Disconnect Air Style D-13 (T)
Quick Disconnect General Purpose
D-13 (T)
Quick Disconnect Penetration D-13 (T)
Small Flexible D-14 (T)
Small Surface D-14 (T)
Surface D-14 (T)
Tubular-Glass Encased D-14 (T)
Tubular SS D-14 (T)
Tubular with 1/8" NPT Fitting D-14 (T)
Vinyl Tipped General Purpose D-14 (T)
Thermistor, Connector
... See Connector, Thermistor
Series "T" ... See Connectors
Thermistor, Interchangeable Series Probe
D-7, D-8 (T)
Air Probe D-7 (T)
Autoclavable Probe D-7 (T)
Autoclave Probe D-7 (T)
Bolt Style D-8 (T)
Flange Mount D-8 (T)
Precision D-7, D-8 (T)
Screw Mount D-8 (T)
Small Flexible D-7 (T)
Surface D-7 (T)
Tubular with 1/8" NPT Fitting, D-7 (T)
Vinyl Tipped D-7 (T)
Thermo-Array Recorder ... See Recorders
37, 38 (G), Hu-5, Hu-6, Hu-7, Hu-8,
Hu-9, Hu-11, Hu-13, Hu-14, Hu-25 (T)
Thermo-Hygrometer, Handheld, Unique
High Performance
L-8 (E), M-61 (F), 38 (G), R-26 (H),
D-85 (P), Hu-6 (T)
Adhesive F-13...F-19 (T)
Alarm Monitor, 1/4 DIN ... See Controllers
Alloy Feedthrough, Multi-pin Connector
... See Feedthroughs
Alloy Pin for Multi-pin Connector
K-6 (D), C-54 (P), G-46, G-48 (T)
Alloy Pin for Sub-D Connector
K-8 (D), G-44 (T)
Alloy Socket for Multi-pin Connector
K-6 (D), C-54 (P), G-46, G-48 (T)
Alloy Socket for Sub-D Connector
K-8 (D), G-44 (T)
Amplifier C-17 (P), N-61, N-63, N-64 (T)
... See Amplifiers
Amplifier, Battery Powered
N-63, N-64 (T)
Analog Controller ... See Controllers
Assembly, Slip Ring ... See Slip Rings
Bare Wire A-8, A-9 (T)
Barrier Strip G-49 (T)
Barrier Strip Jacket G-49 (T)
Benchtop Meter ... See Benchtop Meters
Bolt ... See Compression Fittings
Calibrated Probes A-22 (T)
Calibration Kit ... See Calibrators
Calibration Services A-22...A-24 (T)
Calibrator ... See Calibrators
Calibrator, ICE POINT® ... See Ice Points
Cement-on A-19 (T)
Ceramic Bead Insulated
A-13, A-14, A-15 (T)
Circular Recorder ... See Recorders
Connector ... See Connectors
Controller ... See Controllers
Custom Configurations xii (T)
Data Acquisition and Control System
Industrial C-15 (D), C-23 (U)
Data Acquisition System
... See Data Acquisition
Data Acquisition System, High Speed
C-5 (D), C-13 (U)
Data Acquisition System, Portable
C-25, C-49 (D), C-33, C-71 (U)
Data Acquisition System, Remote
C-51 (D), C-73 (U)
Datalogger ... See Dataloggers
Epoxy F-17 (T)
Extension Cable A-99, H-39 (T)
Extension Wire ... See Wire (T)
Fast Response Self Adhesive A-18 (T)
Gauge Tube, Vacuum Control System
B-86 (P)
Gold Atomic Iron H-22 (T)
Handheld Meter ... See Handhelds
Handheld Thermometer ... See Handhelds
Infrared ... See Infrareds
Input Board ... See Computer Boards
Insulated A-11, A-12 (T)
Insulating Lacquer F-19 (T)
Intrinsic Safety Isolaton Barrier N-68 (T)
Limits of Error ... See Reference Tables
Meter ... See Meters
Multi-Channel ... See Controllers
Multi-pin Connector
K-5 (D), C-54 (P), G-46, G-48 (T)
Nextel Insulated A-14, A-15 (T)
Ni/Ni-Mo ... See Controllers
Noble Metal A-10 (T)
Panel Meter ... See Meters
Passthroughs, Standard Connector
G-57 (T)
Pins for Multi-pin Connector
K-5 (D), C-54 (P), G-44...G-48 (T)
Pins for Sub D Connector
K-8 (D), G-44 (T)
Platinel II ... See Controllers
Plug-in Board ... See Computer Boards
Polynomial Coefficients
... See Reference Tables
Probe and Meter Kit A-54 (T)
Probe Kit A-54 (T)
Protection Tube A-83, A-89 (T)
Ready Made A-11, A-12 (T)
Recorder ... See Recorders
Recorder, Function ... See Recorders
Reference Junction K-14 (T)
Reference Tables ... See Reference Tables
Replacement Element A-94 (T)
Replacement Part, Muffle Furnace
M-10 (E), N-3 (H), K-23 (T)
Rotary Selector Switch ... See Switches
Scanner ... See Scanners
Scanner, 7 Channel, Process
M-8 (F), D-26 (P), M-54 (T)
Self Adhesive Fast Response
E-44 (P), A-18 (T)
Signal Conditioner
... See Signal Conditioners
Signal Conditioner, DIN Rail
... See Signal Conditioners
Signal Conditioner, DIN Rail, High
Performance M-37 (F)
Signal Conditioner, Modular
... See Signal Conditioners
Slip Ring, Mercury, Low Noise
... See Slip Rings
Sockets for Multi-pin Connector
K-6, K-8 (D), C-54 (P), G-44...G-48 (T)
Sockets for Sub D Connector
K-8 (D), G-44 (T)
Switchbox, 6 Channel L-9 (T)
to RS-232 Transmitter ... See Transmitters
to RS-485 Transmitter ... See Transmitters
Transmitter ... See Transmitters
Transmitter, Smart ... See Transmitters
Tungsten-Rhenium A-10 (T)
Unsheathed A-8, A-9, A-10, A-13 (T)
Vacuum Sensor B-86, B-90 (P)
Weld Pad A-94 (T)
Wire Stripper H-38, H-43 (T)
Thermocouple Accessories
Adhesives F-17...F-19 (T)
Barrier Strip Jackets G-49 (T)
Barrier Strips G-49 (T)
Connectors ... See Connectors
Crimping Tool G-50 (T)
Epoxy F-17 (T)
Heavy Duty Handle A-47 (T)
Plastic Handle, High Impact A-47 (T)
Spade Lugs G-49, G-50 (T)
Terminal Lugs G-49, G-50 (T)
Tranistion Adaptor K-10 (D)
Wire ... See Wire
Thermocouple Alarm Monitor
Controller ... See Controllers
Meter ... See Meters

Thermocouple Assembly, Industrial
Ceramic A-81 (T)
Platinum A-81 (T)
Thermocouple A-91 (T)
Thermocouple Element
Bare A-13, B-9 (T)
Ceramic Bead Insulated A-13, B-9 (T)
Ceramic Fiber Insulated A-13, B-9 (T)
Ceramic, Double Hole A-13, B-9 (T)
Ceramic, Double Hole, Oval A-13, B-9 (T)
Ceramic, Fish Spine A-13, B-9 (T)
Ceramic, Single Hole A-13, B-9 (T)
Nextel, High Temperature A-14 (T)
Industrial Replacement Element A-94 (T)
Replacement Element
A-13, A-14, A-94, B-9 (T)
Thermocouple Probe
Air Probe, Handle Style Molded
126 (G), A-72, A-77 (T)
Air Probe, Quick Disconnect
N-11 (E), A-30, A-76 (T)
Aluminum Head, Industrial
128 (G), N-6 (E), N-13 (H), A-91 (T)
Assembly Kit F-20 (T)
Autoclavable Probe A-42 (T)
Autoclave Probe N-10 (E), A-42 (T)
Base Metal A-9 (T)
Beaded Wire
A-8, A-9, A-10, A-11, A-12 (T)
Bayonet Probe, Extruder Style
A-99, A-100 (T)
Beaded Wire, Heavy Duty
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Beaded Wire, Insulated
R-11 (H), A-11 (T)
Beaded Wire, Uninsulated A-9 (T)
Beryilia Insulated A-35 (T)
Bolt-on R-12 (H), A-16, A-17 (T)
Bolt-On, Heavy Duty A-17 (T)
Cast Iron Head
128 (G), N-6 (E), N-13 (H), A-91 (T)
Dual Element A-31, A-32 (T)
Dual Element, Miniature A-31 (T)
Exotic Sheath A-35 (T)
Extruder A-96, A-97 (T)
Extruder, 316SS Tip A-97 (T)
Extruder, Adjustable Depth A-95 (T)
Extruder, Bayonet Style A-99, A-100 (T)
Extruder, Compression Fitting
A-99, A-100 (T)
Extruder, Dual Element A-96, A-97 (T)
Extruder, Hastelloy Tip A-96 (T)
Extruder, Spring Loaded A-99, A-100 (T)
Fast Response
R-11 (H), A-18, A-19, A-30, A-76 (T)
Fast Response Handle Style A-77 (T)
Fast Response Quick Disconnect Style
N-11 (E), A-30, A-76 (T)
Fine Gage A-8, A-9, A-10 (T)
Fine Tip Transition Joint A-47 (T)
Foundry Style A-73 (T)
General Purpose, Heavy Duty
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
General Purpose, Low Noise, Miniature
Quick Disconnect
N-8 (E), R-17 (H), A-37 (T)
General Purpose, Low Noise, Quick
N-7 (E), 125 (G), R-17 (H), A-25 (T)
General Purpose, Miniature
126 (G), M-74 (F), A-39 (T)
General Purpose, Molded Handle
126 (G), A-71, A-77 (T)
General Purpose, Quick Disconnect
N-11 (E), A-76 (T)
General Purpose, Transition Joint
126 (G), A-43 (T)
Handle, Integral A-77 (T)
Handle, Utility 126 (G), A-71 (T)
Handle/Probe Sets A-76 (T)
Heavy Duty Series A-53 (T)
Heavy Duty, Beaded Wire
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Heavy Duty, General Purpose
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Heavy Duty, Needle Point
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Heavy Duty, Right Angle Surface
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Heavy Duty, Roller Surface
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Heavy Duty, Surface
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Heavy Duty, Transition Joint A-48 (T)
High Temperature
A-14, A-15, A-35, A-73, A-74 (T)
High Temperature Molded Handle
A-73, A-74 (T)
High Temperature Platinum A-81 (T)
High Temperature Quick Disconnect
A-34 (T)
High Temperature Surface A-74 (T)
High Temperature Transition Joint
A-45 (T)
Hypodermic A-102, A-103 (T)
Hypodermic, Miniature A-102, A-103 (T)
Inconel Overbraided A-15 (T)
Industrial Head Design
128 (G), N-6 (E), R-13 (H), A-92 (T)
Industrial Replacement Element
A-92...A-94 (T)
Infrared A-69 (T)
Low Noise Miniature Quick Disconnect
N-8 (E), 125 (G), R-17 (H), A-37 (T)
Low Noise Quick Disconnect
N-7 (E), 125 (G), A-25 (T)
Low Profile Penetration
N-10 (E), A-42 (T)
Magnesia Insulated (MgO) A-35 (T)
Magnet Mount A-21 (T)
Miniature Quick Disconnect A-39 (T)
Miniature Quick Disconnect, Low Noise
125 (G), N-7 (E), R-17 (H), A-37 (T)
Miniature Surface
R-15 (H), A-59, A-65(T)
Molybdenum Sheath A-35 (T)
Moving Surface R-15 (H), A-61...A-63 (T)
Needle Point Heavy Duty
R-12 (H), A-53, A-72 (T)
Needle Probe Unique Series
A-55...A-68 (T)
Penetration N-9 (E), A-41, A-72 (T)
Penetration Handle Style A-72, A-77 (T)
Penetration Heavy Duty A-53 (T)
Penetration Low Profile A-42 (T)
Penetration Machine Threaded A-41 (T)
Penetration Molded Handle
A-72, A-77 (T)
Penetration Quick Disconnect
N-11 (E), A-30, A-76 (T)
Penetration Surface A-66 (T)
Penetration Tee Style A-41 (T)
Penetration with Threaded Tip
N-9 (E), A-41 (T)
PFA Coated, Quick Disconnect
N-5 (E), M-74 (F), 127 (G), A-33 (T)
Pipe Plug N-9 (E), A-41 (T)
Plastic Extruder A-95...A-100 (T)
Platinum Element A-9, A-35 (T)
Platinum-Rhodium Sheath A-35 (T)
Protection Head Industrial
128 (G), N-6 (E), N-13 (H), A-91 (T)
Protection Head Spring Loaded A-93 (T)
PVC Coated Tip N-10 (E), A-42 (T)
Quick Disconnect, Air N-11 (E), A-76 (T)
Quick Disconnect, Exotic High Temperature
A-35 (T)
Quick Disconnect, Fast Response
N-11 (E), A-76 (T)
Quick Disconnect, General Purpose
N-11 (E), M-74 (F),
126, 127, 128 (G), A-27, A-29 (T)
Quick Disconnect, Handle Probe Sets
N-11 (E), A-76 (T)
Quick Disconnect, High Temperature
A-34 (T)
Quick Disconnect, Miniature A-39 (T)
Quick Disconnect, Miniature, Low Noise
125 (G), N-7 (E), R-17 (H), A-37 (T)
Quick Disconnect, Penetration
N-11 (E), A-76 (T)
Quick Disconnect Reduced Tip
A-30, A-76 (T)
Quick Disconnect, Surface with Flexible Tip
N-11 (E), A-76 (T)
Reduced Tip Handle Style A-77 (T)
Reduced Tip Quick Disconnect
A-30, A-76 (T)
Right Angle Surface Heavy Duty
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Roller Surface A-53, A-63 (T)
Roller Surface Heavy Duty
R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Specialty Design A-41, A-42 (T)
Surface, Stationary
R-15 (H), A-61, A-62 (T)
Surface, Curved Surface A-61 (T)
Surface, Fast Response A-57 (T)
Surface, Flat Leaf Style A-64 (T)
Surface, Flexible Tip A-77 (T)
Surface, for Curved Surfaces A-61 (T)
Surface, for Narrow Gaps A-66 (T)
Surface, for Small Surfaces
K-10 (D), A-65 (T)
Surface, for Stationary Surfaces A-60 (T)
Surface, Foundry Style A-73 (T)
Surface, General Purpose
K-10 (D), A-55 (T)
Surface, Heavy Duty R-12 (H), A-53 (T)
Surface, High Temperature
A-58, A-74 (T)
Surface, Infrared A-69, A-49 (T)
Surface, Long Surface A-57, A-58 (T)
Surface, Magnetic A-21 (T)
Surface, Narrow Gap K-10 (D), A-66 (T)
Surface, Needle Point A-66 (T)
Surface, Non-contact A-69 (T)
Surface, Pencil Style K-10 (D), A-59 (T)
Surface, Penetration A-66 (T)
Surface, Right Angle, Heavy Duty
A-53 (T)
Surface, Right Angle, Unique Series
K-10 (D), A-57, A-58, A-65 (T)
Surface, Roller Style A-53, A-63 (T)
Surface, Small Surface A-65 (T)
Surface, Stationary Surface A-60 (T)
Surface, Swivel Head R-15 (H),A-56 (T)
Surface, Unique Series A-55...A-74 (T)
Surface, with Flexible Tip Quick Disconnect
N-11 (E), A-76 (T)
Surface, with Teflon Pads
R-15 (H), A-18 (T)
Tantalum Sheath A-35 (T)
Teflon Coated
N-5 (E), M-74 (F), 127 (G), A-33 (T)
Terminal Block A-51 (T)
Thermowell Element
A-13, A-14, A-15, A-92...A-94, B-9 (T)
TJ Style A-40, A-43, A-45 (T)
Transition Joint Style
A-40, A-43, A-45 (T)
Transition Joint, Armored Cable A-46 (T)
Transition Joint, Fine Tip A-47 (T)
Transition Joint, Heavy Duty
A-46, A-48 (T)
Transition Joint, High Temperature
A-46 (T)
Transition Joint, Miniature A-40 (T)
Transition Joint, Molded Miniature
126 (G), A-43 (T)
Transition Joint, Spiral Armor Cable
A-48 (T)
Transition Joint, SS Overbraided Cable
A-46, A-47 (T)
Transition Joint, Ultra High Temperature
A-46 (T)
Unique Series K-10 (D), A-55...A-74 (T)
Utility Handle 126 (G), A-71 (T)
Veterinary Implant A-101 (T)
Washer A-17 (T)
Washer Assembly, Heavy Duty
A-15...A-17 (T)
Weld Pad A-94 (T)
Thermocouple Reference Table, EMF's
... See Reference Tables
Thermocouple Wire ... See Wire
Thermocouple, Industrial Protection Head
128 (G), N-6 (E), N-13 (H), A-91, C-7 T)
Cast Iron
128 (G), N-6 (E), N-13 (H), A-91, C-7 T)
Heavy Duty
128 (G), N-6 (E), N-13 (H), A-91, C-7 T)
Miniature Aluminum
128 (G), N-6 (E), N-13 (H), A-91, C-7 T)
Snap Lock Aluminum
128 (G), N-6 (E), N-13 (H), A-91, C-7 T)
Bi-Metal E-26 (T)
DIALTEMP® E-26...E-38 (T)
Digital Pocket M-38 (E), E-26 (T)
Fiber Optic L-27 (T)
Glass ... See Glass Thermometers
Handheld ... See Handhelds
Handheld, DMM/Thermometer/Relative
Humidity ... See DMM
Handheld, RTD
123 (G), L-11, L-18, L23 (T)
Handheld, Thermistor
123 (G), L-11, L-19, L-21, L-23 (T)
Handheld, Thermocouple
123 (G), L-7...L-28 (T)
Handheld, Thermocouple, Differential
123 (G), L-8, L-11, L-13, L-15 (T)
Handheld, Thermocouple, Dual input
123 (G), L-8, L-11, L-13,
L-15, L-17, L-18 (T)
Handheld, Thermocouple, Economical
L-14...L-16 (T)
Handheld, Thermocouple, High Performance
L-5, L-13, L-23 (T)
Handheld, Thermocouple, Water Resistant
123 (G), L-10 (T)
High Precision RTD Reference
K-33, K-35 (T)
High Precision Thermocouple/RTD
K-33 (T)
C-67, E-30, E-37, J-21(D), M-63 (F),
50 (G), R-25 (H), D-83, K-19 (P), K-67,
K-75, K-81, L-5 (T), J-21 (U)
Pocket Digital N-52 (H), L-25 (T)
Pocket Tester L-25, L-26 (T)
Precision Mercury R-39 (H), K-14 (T)
Recording ... See Dataloggers
Voice Annunciated Handheld
J-21 (D),(U), M-63 (F), 50 (G),
R-25 (H), D-83, K-19 (P), L-5, K-81(T)
Water Resistant Handheld
123 (G), L-10 (T)
Thermometer, Infrared
... See Infrareds
Section J (T)
Compact R-32 (H), J-16, J-29 (T)
Handheld, High Performance
R-33 (H), J-10 (T)
Handheld, High Temperature
R-33 (H), J-10 (T)
Handheld, Laser Sight
R-33 (H), J-5, J-7, J-10 (T)
Appliance, Low Wattage M-24 (H)
Bi-Metal Infinite Control M-24 (H)
Comfort Heater L-10 (H)
Thermostat, Compact
Heating Cable B-38 (H)
Lab Heater, Economical M-23 (H)
Thermostat, Heating Cable
Air Sensing B-27 (H)
Capillary B-28 (H)
Compact B-38 (H)
Pipe Wall B-28 (H)
Thermostat, Kit
Comfort Heater, Ceiling Mount L-6 (H)
Comfort Heater, Wall Mount L-6 (H)
Horizontal Heater Unit L-6 (H)
304SS B-11...B-26 (T)
316SS B-11...B-26 (T)
Brass B-11...B-26 (T)
Carbon Steel B-11...B-26 (T)
Custom Design B-26 (T)
Flange B-22 (T)
Flange Mount B-21, B-22 (T)
for Programmable Signal Conditioner
R-8 (H), B-12, B-13, N-10 (T)
Glass Thermometer B-23, B-24, E-34 (T)
Heavy Duty B-17, B-18 (T)
Industrial B-11...B-28 (T)
Lagging Extension Style
B-11, B-13, B-15, B-17 (T)
Limited Space B-25 (T)
Metric Element B-27, B-28 (T)
Metric Thread B-27, B-28 (T)
Monel B-11...B-26 (T)
PFA Coated B-10 (T)
Socket Weld Style B-19, B20 (T)
Straight B-11, B-12 (T)
Tapered B-13, B-14, B-15, B-17 (T)
Teflon B-10 (T)
Teflon Coated B-10 (T)
Teflon Solid B-10 (T)
Test, General Purpose B-25 (T)
Thermocouple Element
A-13, A-14, A-15, A-92...A-94, B-9(T)
Van Stone Style B-21 (T)
Film RTD Element C-14 (T)
Wall Tubing ... See Tubing
Thin Beam Load Cell ... See Load Cells
Thin Film
RTD Detector, C-21 (T)
RTD Element C-21...C-24 (T)
Thin Heater, Silicone Rubber Fiberglass
Insulated, Flexible M-5 (H)
Electrode ... See Ion Selective
Solution ... See Solutions
Barbed Adaptor ... See Fittings
Barbed Fitting ... See Fittings
Body RTD Probe N-12 (E), C-13 (T)
Connector ... See Fittings
Nipple ... See Fittings
Port ... See Fittings
Three Axis Strain Gage ... See Strain Gages
Three Channel Power Supply
... See Accelerometers
Three Heat Ring Heater C-22 (H)
Three Sensor Level Controller
... See Controllers
Threshold Switch, DIN Rail H-21 (D),(U)
Tilt-Head, Bi-Metal Thermometer E-33 (T)
Time to RS-232 Transmitter
... See Transmitters
Time to RS-485 Transmitter
... See Transmitters
Time Transmitter, Digital D-112 (P)
Timer, Adjustable Solid State, Economical
C-41 (P)
Timer Interface Plug-in Board, Analog Input,
IBM Compatible D1-86 (D), D1-84 (U)
Timer Valve, Programmable Solenoid
J-30 (F)
Tin Melting Pot N-22 (H)
Tinned Copper
Cable, Shielded, Multi-conductor
M-42 (F), C-46, E-28 (P)
Wire Overbraiding H-36 (T)
Tipping Bucket Gauge, Rain/Snow
L-13 (E), 154 (G)
TJ Probe ... See Transition Joint Probe
Tool Kit
Compact, 25 Piece K-3 (D)
Compact, 45 Piece K-3 (D)
Top to Bottom Mixer, Tube Style Bung-Entering
L-18 (F)
Toroidal Sensor Analyzer, Conductivity/
Concentration Current Output
E-23 (E), 18 (G)
Torque, Sensor
Flange Mount, Reaction F-41 (P)
Reaction, Socket Extension F-40 (P)
Rotary, Internal Slip Ring F-42 (P)
Rotary, Socket Extension F-43 (P)
Torque, Strain Gage Solder Pad, 45'
E-19, E-20 (P)
Total Dissolved Solids Test Kit ... See Test Kits
Total Meter, Frequency Input, High
Performance M-3 (F), 33 (G)
Battery Powered M-23 (F)
Controller M-21, M-22 (F)
Flow Meter ... See Flow Meter
Frequency Input
D-17, M-4, M-7, M-11, M-25 (F), 33 (G)
Loop-Powered M-19 (F)
Miniature M-17 (F)
Transmitter, Heavy Duty ... See Transmitters
UL Listed, 1/8 DIN D-17 (F), 33 (G)
Totalizer/Transmitter Heavy Duty Industrial
E-4 (F), 34 (G)
Totally Enclosed Motor ... See Motors
Toxic Air Pollution Handbook
Book, Environmental Engineering 172 (G)
Toxic Metal Chemistry in Marine Environments
Book, Environmental Engineering 172 (G)
Toxic Risks
Book, Environmental Engineering 173 (G)
Toxic Substance in the Environment
Book, Environmental Engineering 161 (G)
Track Mount
Signal Conditioner
... See Signal Conditioners
Transmitter ... See Transmitters
ac Current Measurement
H-51 (D), Q-18 (H),(T), H-59 (U)
ac Voltage Measurement
H-51 (D), Q-18 (H),(T), H-59 (U)
Acceleration ... See Accelerometers
Barometric ... See Pressure Transducers
Displacement ... See Displacement
Force ... See Load Cells
LVDT ... See Displacement
Pressure mV Output
... See Pressure Transducers
Pressure Selection Guide B-7...B-9 (P)
Pressure Voltage Output
... See Pressure Transducers
RPM ... See RPM
RTD ... See RTD
Transducer, Signal Conditioner
... See Signal Conditioners
Strain ... See Strain Gages
Thermocouple ... See Thermocouples
Torque ... See Torque
True RMS Current and Voltage
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
Vacuum ... See Pressure Transducers
Transducer, Air Velocity Anemometer,
General Purpose K-11 (E), 3 (G), D-16 (F)
Transducer, Watt
Watt H-53 (D), Q-20 (H),(T), H-61 (U)
1 Element
H-53 (D), Q-20 (H),(T), H-61 (U)
2 Element Delta/"Y" Configuration
H-53 (D), Q-20 (H),(T), H-61 (U)
3 Element Four Wire "Y" Configuration
H-53 (D), Q-20 (H),(T), H-61 (U)
Transducer, Watt/VAR
H-55 (D), Q-22 (H),(T), H-63 (U)
Transfer Pump, Portable L-17 (F)
Transformer, Current 5 Amp Output
H-56 (D), Q-16 (H),(T), H-64 (U)
Transient Recorder ... See Recorders
Transition Adaptor
Thermocouple J-25 (D),(U), G-35 (T)
Thermocouple Connector Section G (T)
Transition Joint Probe
... See RTDs
... See Thermocouples
ac Current
H-51 (D), Q-18 (H),(T), H-59 (U)
ac Voltage
H-51 (D), Q-18 (H),(T), H-59 (U)
Analog to RS-485
C-44, C-45 (D), D-112 (P),
C-5...C-12, C-66, C-67 (U)
Conductivity E-32 (E), 19 (G), F-40 (F)
dc Milliamp, Miniature
K-115 (F), B-77 (P)
dc Millivolt R-7 (H), R-9 (T)
Dew Point Hu-27 (T)
Economical 129 (G), N-11, N-13 (T)
Flow, Heavy Duty, Industrial
34 (G), E-9 (F)
High Performance
H-5...H-12 (D),(U), P-3...P-6 (E),
M-3 (F), 130, 131 (G), C-25 (P),
N-25...N-32 (T)
L-7 (E), 39 (G), Hu-28...Hu-32 (T)
Intrinsically Safe dc Milliamp
K-115 (F), B-77 (P)
RTD Nickel
M-31 (F), 129 (G), R-7 (H), C-19 (P),
N-5...N-16 (T)
Miniature 129 (G), N-13...N-16 (T)
pH D-28, D-30, D-32, D-33, D-34(E),
F-39 (F), 80, 81, 82 (G)
Pressure, Process Current Output
Section B (P)
Relative Humidity
L-7 (E), 39 (G), Hu-28...Hu-32 (T)
Selection Guide N-3 (T)
True RMS Current
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
True RMS Voltage
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
Watt H-53 (D), Q-20 (H),(T), H-61 (U)
H-55 (D), Q-22 (H),(T), H-63 (U)
Transmitter Accessory, DIN Rail Mounting Kit
C-15 (P)
Transmitter, 2-Wire
dc Milliamp C-14 (P), N-15 (T)
dc Millivolt
R-5...R-8 (H), C-14 (P),
N-7...N-11, N-16 (T)
dc Voltage
R-8 (H), C-14 (P), N-10, N-15 (T)
Process Current C-14 (P)
Process Voltage C-14 (P)
R-5...R-8 (H), N-7...N-16 (T)
RTD R-5...R-8 (H), N-7...N-16 (T)
Transmitter, Chilled Mirror Relative Humidity
Hu-27 (T)
Transmitter, Conductivity
Current Output Isolated
E-29...E-33 (E), 19, 80 (G)
Industrial Isolated E-33 (E), 19, 80 (G)
NEMA 4X Isolated E-31, E-33 (E), 80 (G)
Transmitter, Digital
Bridge to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), N-30, R-31 (T),
C-10, C-63 (U)
Bridge to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), N-30, R-31 (T),
C-10, C-63 (U)
dc Milliamp to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), R-31 (T),
C-10, C-63 (U)
dc Milliamp to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), N-29, R-31 (T),
C-9, C-63 (U)
dc Voltage
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), N-29, R-31 (T),
C-9, C-63 (U)
Digital Input to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P),
N-31, R-31 (T), C-11, C-63 (U)
Digital Input to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P),
N-31, R-31 (T), C-11, C-63 (U)
Event to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P),
N-31, R-31 (T), C-11, C-63 (U)
Event to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P),
N-31, R-31 (T), C-11, C-63 (U)
Frequency to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P),
N-31, R-31 (T), C-11, C-63 (U)
Frequency to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P),
N-31, R-31 (T), C-11, C-63 (U)
Infrared RS-232 J-70 (T)
C-41...C-47 (D), D-109...D-112 (P),
R-31...R-33 (T) C-63...C-69 (U)
Panel Meter ... See Meters
Process Current to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), N-29, R-31 (T),
C-9, C-63 (U)
Process Current to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), N-29, R-31 (T),
C-9, C-63 (U)
Process Voltage to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), N-29, R-31 (T),
C-9, C-63 (U)
Process Voltage to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), N-29, R-31 (T),
C-9, C-63 (U)
RTD to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-112 (P),
R-31 (T) C-8, C-63 (U)
RTD to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-112 (P),
R-31 (T) C-8, C-63 (U)
Strain to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), R-31 (T),
C-10, C-63 (U)
Strain to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), R-31 (T),
C-10, C-63 (U)
Thermistor to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), R-31 (T), C-63 (U)
Thermistor to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-109 (P), R-31 (T), C-63 (U)
Thermocouple to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-112 (P),
N-27, R-31 (T), C-7, C-63 (U)
Thermocouple to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-112 (P),
N-27, R-31 (T), C-7, C-63 (U)
Time to RS-232
C-41 (D), D-112 (P), R-31 (T), C-63 (U)
Time to RS-485
C-41 (D), D-112 (P), R-31 (T), C-63 (U)
Transmitter, DIN Rail
ac Current
H-12, H-31 (D), N-25, N-39 (T),
C-12, H-12, H-31 (U)
ac Millivolt H-31 (D),(U), N-39 (T)
ac Voltage
H-5...H-12, H-31 (D),(U),
N-25...N-32, N-39 (T),
C-5...C-12, H-5...H-12, H-31 (U)
Copper RTD
H-5...H-12, H-16 (D),(U),
N-5, N-25...N-32, N-35 (T)
dc Current
C-55, H-32 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5, N-40 (T), C-75, H-32 (U)
dc Millivolt
C-55, H-5...H-12, H-31 (D), M-31 (F),
129 (G), C-19 (P), N-5, N-21,
N-25...N-32, N-39 (T), C-5...C-12,
C-75, H-5...H-12, H-31 (U)
dc Voltage
C-55, H-5...H12, H-31 (D), M-31 (F),
C-19 (P), N-5, N-25...N-32, N-39 (T),
C-5...C-12, H-5...H12, C-75, H-31 (U)
C-55, H-5...H12 (D), M-31 (F),
C-19 (P), N-5, N-25...N-32 (T),
C-5...C-12, H-5...H12, C-75 (U)
Nickel RTD
C-55, H-16 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5, N-35 (T), C-75, H-16 (U)
Process Current
C-55, H-32 (D), M-31 (F), C-15, C-19 (P),
N-5, N-40 (T), C-75, H-32 (U)
Process Voltage
C-5...C-12, C-55, H-5...H-12 (D),
M-31 (F), C-15, C-19 (P), N-5,
N-25...N-32 (T), C-5...C-12, C-75,
C-55 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
C-55, H-5...H-12, H-16 (D), M-31 (F),
129 (G), C-19 (P), N-5, N-21,
N-25...N-32, N-35 (T), C-5...C-12,
C-75, H-5...H-12, H-16 (U)
C-55, H-5...H-12 (D), M-31 (F),
C-19 (P), N-5, N-25...N-32 (T),
C-5...C-12, C-75, H-5...H-12 (U)
C-55, H-5...H-12, H-13, H-32 (D),
M-31 (F), 129 (G), C-19 (P), N-5, N-21,
N-25...N-32, N-33, N-40 (T), C-5...C-12,
C-75, H-5...H-12, H-13, H-32 (U)
Transmitter, Displacement Loop Powered
J-17 (P)
Transmitter, Electrode pH, Non-Isolated
D-34 (E)
Transmitter, Fiber Optic
Dual Sensor Output K-50 (F)
Infrared Sensor J-78...J-82 (T)
Single Sensor Output K-50 (F)
Transmitter, Head Mount
Copper RTD N-5 (H), N-7, N-11 (T)
dc Milliamp N-5 (H), C-14 (P), N-7 (T)
dc Millivolt
N-5 (H), C-14 (P), N-7, N-11,
N-15, N-16 (T)
dc Voltage C-14 (P), N-15 (T)
Nickel RTD N-5 (H), N-7, N-11 (T)
Potentiometer N-5 (H), N-7 (T)
K-115 (F), C-14, B-77 (P), N-74 (T)
Resistance N-5 (H), N-7, N-11 (T)
129, (G), R-5...R-8 (H), N-7...N-16 (T)
129, (G), R-5...R-8 (H), N-7...N-16 (T)
129, (G), R-5...R-8 (H), N-7...N-16 (T)
Transmitter, High Temperature ,Relative
Humidity 39 (G), Hu-32 (T)
Transmitter, Humidity/Temperature
L-7 (E), 39 (G), Hu-29 (T)
Transmitter, Infrared
4-20mA Output J-59...J-63, J-68 (T)
Economical R-35 (H), J-59 (T)
Industrial R-35 (H), J-59 (T)
Industrial Temperature, with local display
R-35 (H)
Industrial Thermocouple Output
J-68, J-69,(T)
Industrial Current Output
J-68, J-69, J-72 (T)
Industrial Millivolt Output
J-68, J-69, J-70 (T)
Industrial, with Local Display
R-35 (H), J-59 (T)
NEMA 4 R-35 (H), J-59 (T)
OEM Style R-35 (H), J-59 (T)
Transmitter, Isolated
Process Current C-15 (P)
Process Voltage C-15 (P)
Transmitter, Level
Economical, Heavy Duty K-15 (F)
Capacitive K-36 (F)
Miniature Sensor, Ultrasonic K-19 (F)
Remote, Ultrasonic K-25 (F)
Transmitter, Level Switch
Non-Penetrating K-43 (F)
Ultrasonic K-40 (F)
Transmitter, Miniature
39, 129 (G), N-13...N-16 (T)
Infrared Milliamp J-70 (T)
Infrared Millivolt J-70 (T)
Infrared Thermocouple J-70 (T)
Transmitter, OEM Style, Infrared,
4-20mA Output
R-35...R-38 (H), J-59...J-63, J-68 (T)
Infrared Temperature R-35 (H)
Transmitter, ORP
Compact Universal Mount
D-29 (E), 81, 86 (G)
Current Output Isolated
D-31, D-34, F-18 (E), 82 (G)
Heavy Duty Isolated F-18 (E)
Heavy Duty Universal Mount
D-29 (E), 81, 86 (G)
NEMA 4X D-31 (E), 82 (G)
Splashproof Universal Mount
D-29 (E), 81, 86 (G)
Transmitter, Panel Mount
Copper RTD R-5-(H), N-5 (T)
Process Current R-5-(H), N-5 (T)
Process Voltage R-5-(H), N-5 (T)
Resistance R-5-(H), N-5 (T)
RTD R-5-(H), N-5 (T)
Thermocouple R-5-(H), N-5 (T)
Transmitter, pH
Compact Isolated D-33 (E), 19 (G)
Current Output Industrial
D-28 (E), 80, 95 (G)
Current Output Isolated
D-31, D-34 (E), 82 (G)
Heavy Duty Isolated D-33 (E), 19 (G)
Isolated Industrial D-28 (E), 80, 95 (G)
NEMA 4X Industrial D-28 (E), 80, 95 (G)
NEMA 4X Surface Mount
D-31 (E), 82 (G)
Non-Isolated Industrial
D-28 (E), 80, 95 (G)
Transmitter, pH/ORP
Compact Universal Mount
D-29 (E), 81, 86 (G)
Heavy Duty Universal Mount
D-29 (E), 81, 86 (G)
Splashproof Universal Mount
D-29 (E), 81, 86 (G)
Transmitter, Pressure
Absolute ... See Pressure Transmitters
Bi-directional ... See Pressure Transmitters
Compact ... See Pressure Transmitters
Compound ... See Pressure Transmitters
Differential ... See Pressure Transmitters
Differential, Low Pressure
... See Pressure Transmitters
Differential, Square Root
... See Pressure Transmitters
Differential, Wet/Wet
... See Pressure Transmitters
Economical ... See Pressure Transmitters
European Style
... See Pressure Transmitters
Explosion Resistant
... See Pressure Transmitters
Flush Diaphragm
... See Pressure Transmitters
FM Approved ... See Pressure Transmitters
Gage Pressure ... See Pressure Transmitters
Head Mount
... See Transmitter, Head Mount
High Accuracy ... See Pressure Transmitters
Intrinsically Safe
... See Pressure Transmitters
Low Pressure ... See Pressure Transmitters
NEMA 4X ... See Pressure Transmitters
Pneumatic Pressure
... See Pressure Transmitters
Square Root ... See Pressure Transmitters
Thin Film ... See Pressure Transmitters
Vacuum ... See Pressure Transmitters
Wet/Wet Differential
... See Pressure Transmitters
Transmitter, Programmable
dc Millivolt R-7 (H), N-9 (T)
RTD R-7 (H), N-9 (T)
RTD, Nickel R-7 (H), N-9 (T)
Thermocouple R-7 (H), N-9 (T)
Transmitter, Resistivity, Current Output,
Non-Indicating E-34 (E)
Transmitter, RTD
C-55, H-5...H-12, H-16 (D), M-31 (F),
129 (G), C-19 (P), R-5...R-8 (H),
N-7...N-16, N-21, N-25...N-32, N-35 (T),
C-5...C-12, C-75, H-5...H-12, H-16 (U)
Smart R-5 (H), N-7 (T)
Transmitter, Smart
Batch Control
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
Copper RTD
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5, N-11 (T), C-75 (U)
dc Milliamp
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5, N-8 (T), C-75 (U)
dc Millivolt
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5, N-8, N-11 (T), C-75 (U)
dc Voltage
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
DIN Rail Adaptor R-6 (H), N-8 (T)
Explosion Resistant Housing Accessories
R-6 (H), N-8 (T)
Load Cell
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
Nickel RTD
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), R-5 (H), C-19 (P),
N-7, N-5, N-7, N-11 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), M-31 (F),R-5...R-8 (H),
C-19 (P), N-5...N-11 (T), C-75 (U)
Process Current
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
Process Voltage
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5, N-11 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), R-5 (H), C-19 (P),
R-5 (H), N-5...N-11 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), R-5 (H),
C-19 (P), N-5, N-11 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
C-53 (D), M-31 (F), C-19 (P),
N-5 (T), C-75 (U)
Transmitter, Smart Accessories
DIN Rail Adaptor
C-56 (D), M-32 (F), R-6 (H),
C-20 (P), N-6 (T), C-78 (U)
Explosion Resistant Housing
C-56 (D), M-32 (F), R-6 (H),
C-20 (P), N-6 (T), C-78 (U)
Programming Terminal
C-56 (D), M-32 (F), R-6 (H),
C-20 (P), N-6 (T), C-78 (U)
Transmitter, Solid State, Relative Humidity
L-7 (E), 39 (G), Hu-29...Hu-32 (T)
Transmitter, Track Mount
AD590 N-19 (T)
dc Millivolt 129 (G), N-13...N-16 (T)
dc Voltage 129 (G), N-13...N-16 (T)
RTD 129 (G), N-13...N-16, N-19 (T)
Thermocouple 129 (G), N-13...N-16, N-19 (T)
Transmitter, Ultrasonic
Continuous Level K-21 (F)
Level/Distance K-23 (F)
Level, Miniature Sensor K-19 (F)
Level, Remote K-25 (F)
Level Sensor Controller, Ultrasonic
K-17 (F), 49 (G)
Strobe Light Level Sensor
K-17 (F), 49 (G)
Transmitter, Wireless Long Distance Radio
Telemetry C-31, C-34 (P)
Transmitter/Probe Assemblies
R-8 (H), N-10 (T)
Paddlewheel Design
K-3 (E), F-35...F38 (F), 31 (G)
Conductivity F-40 (F), 31 (G)
pH F-39 (F)
Trend Recorder ... See Recorders
Trendicator, Large Display Meter M-61 (T)
Triangulated Tubular Heater
... See Heater, Tubular
Triaxial Accelerometer ... See Accelerometers
Triple Isolated Signal Conditioner
... See Signal Conditioners
Triple Output Regulated Power Supply
... See Regulated Power Supply
Tripod, Rotameter Accessory B-18 (F)
True RMS
1/8 DIN Current Meter
Q-24, Q-30 (H),(T), D-30 (P)
1/8 DIN Voltmeter
Q-24, Q-30 (H),(T), D-30 (P)
ac Current Transducer
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
ac Measurement Multimeter
... See Multimeters
ac Voltage Transducer
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
Current Meter ... See Meters
Current Transducer
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
Current Transmitter
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
DIN Rail Current Meter Q-33 (H),(T)
DIN Rail Voltmeter Q-33 (H),(T)
Meter ... See Meters
... See Multimeters
Signal Conditioner
... See Signal Conditioners
Voltage Meter ... See Meters
Voltage Transducer
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
Voltage Transmitter
H-52 (D), Q-19 (H),(T), H-60 (U)
Accessory ... See Accessories, Tubing
Ceramic Insulating A-85 (T)
Clamp for 3 Pin Connector G-34 (T)
Clamp for Ceramic Connector G-34 (T)
Clamp for Miniature Connector G-18 (T)
Clamp for Standard Connector G-27 (T)
Clamp, Miniature SS C-45 (P)
Clip Tube Fitting, Heavy Duty
H-82 (E), L-116 (F)
Connector, Straight Tubing Union
L-93, L-95, C-44 (P)
Dome Nuts H-73 (E), L-107 (F)
End Cap H-73 (E), L-107 (F)
Fitting ... See Fittings
Selection Guide H-27 (E), L-61 (F)
Tube Mixer, Bung-Entering Top to Bottom
L-18 (F)
#11 Nylon, Light Weight
H-49 (E), L-83 (F)
Braid Reinforced PVC
H-38 (E), L-72 (F), 133 (G)
FEP, Teflon, Chemical
H-29 (E), L-63 (F), 133 (G), C-43 (P)
Gum Rubber, Natural Latex
H-48 (E), L-82 (F)
Heat Resistant Polypropylene
H-42 (E), L-76 (F), 133 (G), C-43 (P)
Low Density Polyethylene
H-41 (E), L-75 (F), 133 (G)
Norprene C-43 (P)
PFA, Teflon, Chemical
H-32 (E), L-66 (F), 133 (G), C-43 (P)
Polyethylene, Low Density
H-41 (E), L-75 (F), 133 (G)
Polypropylene, Heat Resistant
H-42 (E), L-76 (F), 133 (G), C-43 (P)
Polyurethane, Unreinforced
H-46 (E), L-80 (F), 133 (G)
PTFE Teflon, Chemical
H-35 (E), L-69 (F), 133 (G), C-43 (P)
PVC C-45 (P)
PVC, Reinforced
H-38 (E), L-72 (F), C-43 (P)
PVC, Thick Wall, Suction
H-40 (E), L-74 (F), 133 (G)
Santoprene, Rubber
H-39 (E), L-73 (F), 133 (G)
Selection Guide L-61 (F)
Silicon C-43 (P)
Thick Wall PVC, Suction
H-40 (E), L-74 (F), 133 (G)
Tygon C-43 (P)
Vinyl H-51 (E), L-85 (F), C-43 (P)
Viton, Chemical Resistant
H-43 (E), L-77 (F), 133 (G)
Tubing, Metric Dia.
FEP Teflon
H-31 (E), L-65 (F), 133 (G)
H-31, H-33 (E), L-65, L-67 (F), 133 (G)
PFA Teflon
H-34 (E), L-68 (F), 133 (G)
Tubing, Specialty
Coiled Teflon L-87 (F)
Custom L-87 (F)
Latex Rubber L-87 (F)
Multi-braided/Jacketed L-87 (F)
Overbraiding on Thermoplastic L-87 (F)
Spiral-Cut Wrap L-87 (F)
Heater ... See Heater, Tubular
Heater, Optional End Fittings
... See Heater, Tubular Accessories
Tubular Glass Encased Probe
Thermistor, 400 Series ... See Thermistors
Thermistor, 700 Series ... See Thermistors
Tubular Probe
RTD ... See RTDs
Thermistor, 400 Series ... See Thermistors
Tubular Probe Stainless Steel
Thermistor, 400 Series ... See Thermistors
Thermistor, 700 Series ... See Thermistors
Tubular Probe with Fitting
1/8" NPT, Thermistor, 400 Series
... See Thermistors
1/8" NPT, Thermistor, 700 Series
... See Thermistors
1/8" NPT, Thermistor, Interchangeable
Series ... See Thermistors
Thermistor, 400 Series ... See Thermistors
RTD ... See RTDs
Tungsten Extension Wire
Duplex Type CX Alloy 405/426 ... See Wire
Duplex Type DX Alloy 203/225 ... See Wire
Duplex Type GX Alloy 200/226 ... See Wire
Tungsten Fine Diameter Wire Type G/C/D
Uninsulated ... See Wire
Tungsten-Rhenium Thermocouple
... See Thermocouples
Tuning Fork Sensor K-48 (F)
Analyzer ... See Analyzers
Benchtop, Battery Powered, Portable
G-7...G-9 (E), 137 (G)
Test Kit ... See Test Kits
Flow Meter ... See Flow Meters
Flow Meter Information, Paddle Wheel
F-3...F-8 (F)
Sensor, Discriminating K-21 (E)
Sensor, Sump K-21 (E)
Turf Lab Test Kit ... See Test Kits
Twist Lock Electrode ... See Electrodes
Twisted Shielded Wire
Extension Grade ... See Wire
Thermocouple Grade ... See Wire
UL Listed Extension Grade ... See Wire
Two Color
Infrared Fiber Optic System ... See Infrareds
Infrared Thermometer Handheld
... See Infrareds
Two Conductor Heating Cable
... See Heating Cable
Two Hole Ceramic Insulator A-85...A-87 (T)
Two Hole Oval Ceramic Insulator
A-85...A-87 (T)
Two Stage Controller ... See Controllers
Tygon Tubing ... See Tubing
C, Commercial Gauge
... See Pressure Gauges
D, Differential Gauge
... See Pressure Gauges
F, Filled Gauge ... See Pressure Gauges
H, Process Gauge ... See Pressure Gauges
J, Process Gauge ... See Pressure Gauges
L, Low Pressure Gauge
... See Pressure Gauges
P, Panel Gauge ... See Pressure Gauges
S, General Service Gauge
... See Pressure Gauges
T, Test Gauge ... See Pressure Gauges
Tank Weighing Assemblies
Tape, Heating
Technical Article
Technical Reference
Teflon Insulated Wire
Temperature Compensation
Terminal Block
Terminal Lug
Terminal, Programming
Test Gauge
Test Kit, Hydroponic
Test Kit, Soil
Test Kit, Turf Lab
Test Kit, Water
Test Plug
Test Pressure Gauge
Thermal Dispersion
Thermistor, 400 Series
Thermistor, 400 Series Probe
Thermistor, 700 Series Meter
Thermistor, 700 Series Probe
Thermistor, Connector
Thermistor, Interchangeable Series Probe
Thermocouple Accessories
Thermocouple Alarm Monitor
Thermocouple Assembly, Industrial
Thermocouple Element
Thermocouple Probe
Thermocouple, Industrial Protection Head
Thermometer, Infrared
Thermostat, Compact
Thermostat, Heating Cable
Thermostat, Kit
Thin Film
Tinned Copper
Tool Kit
Torque, Sensor
Track Mount
Transducer, Signal Conditioner
Transducer, Watt
Transition Adaptor
Transition Joint Probe
Transmitter, 2-Wire
Transmitter, Conductivity
Transmitter, Digital
Transmitter, DIN Rail
Transmitter, Fiber Optic
Transmitter, Head Mount
Transmitter, Infrared
Transmitter, Isolated
Transmitter, Level
Transmitter, Level Switch
Transmitter, Miniature
Transmitter, ORP
Transmitter, Panel Mount
Transmitter, pH
Transmitter, pH/ORP
Transmitter, Pressure
Transmitter, Programmable
Transmitter, Smart
Transmitter, Smart Accessories
Transmitter, Track Mount
Transmitter, Ultrasonic
True RMS
Tubing, Metric Dia.
Tubing, Specialty
Tubular Glass Encased Probe
Tubular Probe
Tubular Probe Stainless Steel
Tubular Probe with Fitting
Tungsten Extension Wire
Twisted Shielded Wire
Two Color

Numbers   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z   

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